
WorldOfBRD inquires the creativity and steadfast of today's music, arts and world events as she navigates her way into producing her own sound.

The Works

To Know More, To Want More

       When I hit a wall, time was spent on why instead of just how to bypass it. I want to win and see the fruits of my labor. Then reality hits that something acquires my attention to make some changes. This time around, I don't feel the need to rip out the weeds and start completely over, thankfully.  Even with music, switching gears is encouraged to do outside of the comfort zone; just to be advised to conform to a frame of what's in the rotator of recycled ideas.

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I'm Not a Snack, Not Yet A Meal

   A few situations have left me living pretty raw for my liking lately. Nothing regarding an election or some kind of hope for an organization. Either or, I won't bore myself with life's scars.  Aside from that I've been locked in to studying more about contemporary artists.

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Anger Is Golden

     It's as clear as day who is willing to crash out and be a degenerate just to not face their feelings. Don't get me wrong, I get crashing out. Somehow the vitriol of one's feelings goes to the people who give them space to be themselves while they fake it with everyone else.  Again, on the people pleasing tip, where we are actively hurting the ones who want the best for us to mask it for people who don't care.

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What Comes Next?

     The pain that comes from learning that your ways of living was taught as true to your detriment, is really the hurt of feeling that you should have known this already. I am an intelligent woman who has been dealt some dumbass circumstances. As I see myself as this, it only became more apparent that people will treat you how they feel about themselves. The blind leading the blind and hitting my head a few times too many; I had to be willing to take the uncharted path to learn about myself fully. I am aware we came into this world alone. We have individual experiences no matter how close you are to somebody in the same space and time. It takes a person with courage and not caring about how the message sounds to understand that they care enough to let you know you can get out of what doesn't serve you.

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Who's BRD?

BRD is a producer and writer that switches it up from time to time. She has experience with web design and earning technical certificates while balancing creative outlets. BRD uses her platform to showcase not only her music talents, but the timeless treasures of black contemporary art that has delighted her since childhood.

